Kicking off the development blog I have a few images of how the user interface screens are currently looking.
The aim at the moment is to create a playable prototype or proof of concept, I’ve spent most of the time so far programming the core game mechanics and up until now there hasn’t been anything that visual to show. The games user interface is the most fully developed area of the game art wise at present, the dimensions are intended for mobile phone resolution however to cut down on development time I’ve locked the desktop version of the game to the same sizes as the mobile format.
In terms of details of the game you will have to stay tuned, for now I’m just going to say its an RPG with a hint of Rogue Like in there and it’s targeted at the main mobile, tablet and desktop platforms (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android, iOS, Windows Phone).
Prototype Inventory Screen
Prototype Equipment Screen
Prototype Item Details Screen
Prototype Container Contents Screen
Prototype Storage Screen
Prototype Player Status Screen
Over And Out!